Lucas was taken into foster care through Ventura County Animal Services on 17 July 2023 and adopted on 23 December 2023 (


Lucas spent 355 days in the pound before foster care. He's a very sweet German Shepherd Dog.

Dog Information

  • Medium neutered male red-black German Shepherd Dog, 70 lbs, 3 Years Old.


  • Good condition, no joint problems
  • Being treated for a skin and ear infection
  • Runs hot. very energetic - requires at least 1 hour of exercise per day.


  • Very sweet German Shepherd Dog - loyal, affectionate, smart.
  • Good at herding, very kind to strangers, sometimes alerts at door

Notes from behavioral testing

  • Taught sit, down, stand, stay, up, touch, crate, treadmill, 
  • Heel is good but he drifts ahead with distractions.
  • Mouthing, jumping, pulling are mostly gone from training.

No issues.

Children and infants

No information - probably fine.


Large: Leash reactivity to some dogs, no problems in VCAS playgroups.

Small: no reactivity at distance.


No reactivity to shelter cats.
Other small animals

Distracted by prey animals but does not pull.



