Behr was taken into foster care through Ventura County Animal Services on 19 June 2023 and adopted on 14 July 2023 (



Behr was surrendered to VCAS due to allergies, leash reactivity including lunging, barking, and biting, and dog and cat aggression, especially to small dogs, which resulted in bruising and puncture wounds. His previous owners reported that he pulled and broke through fencing to attack other dogs. 

I solved these problems and rehomed him to a family with other dogs within a month.


Behr lives happily with 3 adults and 4 Ducks. He even swims and fetches tennis balls with them in my pool. He walks about 5 miles per day, is comfortable staying outside or inside during the day and he respects boundries set in the house.

Behr likes to playing with our neighbor's dog, car rides, fetch, and eating.

Dog Information

  • Large Neutered Male Yellow Labrador Retriever, 91 lbs, 6 Years Old.


  • About 15 lbs overweight but no sign of joint problems. He requires a strict diet because he'll eat anything given to him. Good teeth and good energy.
  • Calluses on his elbows - probably from lying on concrete.
  • Very shallow quicks - likely from overweight and concrete. Monitor his nails when walking to prevent bleeding until his weight normalizes and the quicks recede. 
  • Allergies to chicken-based foods and grass - he requires specialized food.


  • Very good lab temperament; good basic obedience and very good on leash, soft mouth.
  • Very good fetching even into pools. Smart Labrador. 
  • Lots of energy but good self control.
  • House trained - doesn't make messes in the house, doesn't scratch doors. Respects barriers.
  • Foodie. Waits until told to eat. No food or resource guarding. He did steal butter off the counter once but I've trained him not to counter surf or steal food anymore.   
  • He's not socialized playing with dogs but not aggressive. No separation anxiety.

Notes from behavioral testing


No issues

Children and infants

No information. He does not run, or jump, or roughhouse in the house so probably fine with kids.


Large: No issues through fences, on or off leash with calm dogs, some reactivity against dogs who are barking, staring, or lunging when meeting head-on.

Small: No issues on leash at short distance


No reactivity to shelter cats.
Other small animals

Prey drive and chasing corrected first day. No issues.